OpinionNovember 2, 2024

Umm, what about Trump?

Dale Courtney really shows his partisan bent with his latest column, “Why Tim Walz’s credibility is beyond repair” (Daily News, Oct. 6). Courtney suggests that vice president candidate Tim Walz “stole valor” over two insignificant misstatements: an exaggeration he made in 1989 about being in China during the Tiananmen Square crackdown when he wasn’t there until a few months later and that Walz has said that he retired as a commander sergeant major, whereas, although he was promoted to that position the year before, retired one rank lower for pension compensation purposes.

Oh my! How could he? What an outrage! Who really cares? How does his behavior affect anyone?

What makes Courtney’s recent column so ridiculous is that he actually wrote this, presumably with a straight face: “To preserve the honor of public service, we must hold our leaders accountable for their words and actions.” Mr. Courtney, may I introduce you to Mr. Bone Spurs himself, who due to his rich daddy, got out of military duty (so much for “stolen valor” since he has no valor at all), is a renowned liar, cheater and sexual predator (so much for words and actions!), Donald Trump. If Courtney wasn’t so partisan, why, oh why, would he make a huge deal of two minor misstatements of Walz’s (Walz has admitted he misspoke about the China trip) while completely ignoring the terrible behavior of his candidate?

In the four years of his presidency, Trump told more than 30,000 lies, including “the big lie” — that Biden didn’t actually win the 2020 election. So, Dale, it’s pretty rich to write that Walz, a remarkably honest man for a politician and a 24-year veteran of the National Guard, can’t be trusted when you’re hoping the “liar in chief,” who avoided serving his country, will be reelected. I’ll take Harris and Walz over the lying duo of Trump and Vance any day!

Wade Hoiland


Christian Zionists and the 2024 election

Between 50 million and 70 million American evangelicals could decide who becomes the next U.S. president. The majority of them identify as “Christian Zionists.” That is, they support modern Israel unconditionally. ...

It doesn’t matter to these evangelicals that the Israeli regime is filled with murderous, genocidal thugs. The land belongs to them. Yaweh gave it to them in perpetuity, and that is that!

In the early 19th Century, an Irish Anglican priest named John Nelson Darby ... came up with a unique worldview which divides history into seven distinct “Dispensations.” He places us presently in the sixth dispensation, that is to say, into the “Age of the Church.” That age will finally close when all Christians from the beginning of the Christian era, dead and alive, shall be caught up into the clouds by Jesus Christ Himself at His coming. ...

So what happens then? Briefly, the “Great Tribulation” occurs, a period of seven years, in which the Jews, now firmly ensconced in Palestine after their successful 1948 coup, having rebuilt the “Third Temple on on the site of the Al Aqsa Mosque, and renewing Old Covenant animal sacrifices, are confronted with a major problem. Antichrist suddenly shows up. He stops the sacrifices and closes down all Temple worship, followed immediately by the invasion of Israel by huge alien militaries from around the world.

While raptured Christians are enjoying cool beverages poolside in Paradise, the Jews are getting annihilated in a sea of fire, smoke and brimstone. This is the battle of Armageddon.

Most Israeli Jews die, but not all — 144,000 of them survive. They have a collective come-to-Jesus moment and convert en mass to Christianity. Shortly thereafter, Jesus descends from above along with all the Angelic Host. He makes short work of the invading armies. And Jesus, along with the surviving Jews, rules the earth for a thousand years from the city of Jerusalem.

These millions of American evangelicals will probably help Trump win in a landslide, believing their candidate to be as pro-Israel as they are. But certifying his election in January 2025 might be a real challenge. Democrats, very likely, will conduct an onslaught of lawfare to prevent this from happening, such as has never been seen in the history of our nation.

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Timothy Moore


Sandberg is the pick

I am writing to express my support for Roger Sandberg in his campaign for Superior Court judge. Having closely observed his professional career, I believe he is the most qualified candidate for this position due to his breadth of experience and judicial temperament.

Roger brings diverse legal experience, having served as a litigator and a judge for well over a decade. His practice in various areas of the law has prepared him to handle the complex issues that frequently arise in our courts.

Equally important is Roger’s temperament on and off the bench. He consistently conducts himself with professionalism, maturity and respect for everyone in the courtroom. This quality fosters an environment where the law is applied justly and where all parties, regardless of their background or case, are heard with respect.

Whitman County needs judges who are not only skilled in law but who bring the right temperament to the bench. Roger has both. His experience, integrity, and respectful treatment of all those who enter his courtroom make him the ideal candidate for this position. I am voting for Roger Sandberg for Superior Court judge.

Steve Martonick


Sandberg has the talent, temperment

This November, I will be voting for Roger Sandberg for Whitman County Superior Court judge. As a deputy prosecutor, I have had Roger Sandberg as an opponent for almost two decades.

Though Mr. Sandberg and I are usually on opposing sides of a case, we joined with Judge Hart to form and work with the local Community Therapeutic Court. The Community Court identifies criminal defendants with mental health or substance use disorder issues who want to turn their lives around.

There is no monetary reward in this for Mr. Sandberg, nor is it part of his daily duties, yet I have watched him work very hard as part of the Community Court team. He does this because he believes in the opportunity it provides to people with few other options.

Mr. Sandberg’s work with the Community Court shows his dedication to our community. In addition, Mr. Sandberg has the intellect, judgment and temperament that all judges should have, using common sense and knowledge of the law to make his case. He is humble, kind and always professional. Mr. Sandberg will make an excellent judge, and I urge you to vote for him.

Dan LeBeau


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