BusinessJanuary 19, 1998


New business: Auto Body Super Center

Owners: Jeff Demeerleer and Dewey Whiting

Address: 215 East Palouse River Drive, Moscow

Phone: (208) 883-DENT (3368)

Type of business or service: Auto body repair, frame straightening, painting, custom color matching.

Date opened: July 1.

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Background in business: Demeerleer owns KleenMaster and has seven years business experience, Whiting has degrees in marking and human resource management and has four years in business. Wes Carscallan, our body man, has been in bodywork eight years in Moscow. Demeerleer and Carscallan have degrees in body repair from Lewis-Clark State College.

Special services offered: Lifetime warranty on all body and paint work. State of the art down draft painting area. Laser frame and unibody repair (Dataliner). Free detailing of car on all jobs.

Why did you go into this particular business: We felt there was a need for more body-repair options in this area.

What makes your business better than similar ones: Quick turn around time for repair. Commitment to ultra-high quality and customer service.

Business philosophy: Our commitment to our customer will make your body-repair experience pleasurable.

Additional information which may be appropriate: We've been busy since the first day we opened and we look forward to serving

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